23 Jul 2020
The Northern Territory Government is constructing a new purpose-built Darwin Youth Justice Centre on a greenfield site at 498 Taylor Road, Holtze. The site is located close to police, emergency services and health services.
The new Darwin Youth Justice Centre strikes a balance between ensuring facilities are secure, safe, robust and durable, while meeting the therapeutic and rehabilitative needs of young people sentenced to detention or on remand.
The structures and landscaping of the Darwin Youth Justice Centre site will occupy four hectares on a densely vegetated 14.5-hectare site. The Northern Territory Government has awarded DCOH, formerly known as Halikos, the $55.1 million construction tender for the development of the new centre. Construction is expected to commence in late July 2020 and be completed in mid-2022.
Development of the Darwin Youth Justice Centre is expected to create around 350 local jobs across the duration of the project, which will be in addition to the ongoing jobs to manage and operate the centre.

Credit Image: https://www.abc.net.au/news